Pages to Projects – September 2021

Elementary Book ClubThis month we will read Lucy & Andy Neanderthal by Jeffrey Brown. From the publisher:

Lucy and Andy are a sister and brother who get into trouble much like any sister and brother. Only difference? Lucy and Andy live in the Stone Age! Discover their laugh-out-loud adventures as the Paleo pair take on a wandering baby sibling, bossy teens, cave paintings, and a mammoth hunt. But what will happen when they encounter a group of humans?


Create cave art by making your own stone slab and paint!

This month’s kit includes:

  • Air-dry clay
  • White, black, brown paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Black crayon
  • Copy of Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig (yours to keep)

Additional materials needed:

  • Flat-ish rocks collected from
    outside (optional)
  • Paper towel
  • Additional crayon colors

Sign Up

All kits have been claimed. Thank you to those who participated!