Pick up a take and make craft for your family each week from July 6 – August 22!

The crafts are loosely based on our summer reading theme Imagine Your Story, and incorporate fairy tales, mythical creatures, Ancient Greece, and anything else summery and fun. Kits include everything needed to complete the craft, and will be packed at least 3 days prior to pick up.

Order by Thursday July 2 to receive the first week’s craft based on Jack and the Beanstalk!

Choose from two kits each week, one geared towards toddlers-early elementary ages and another for later-elementary ages and up.

  • Read descriptions of crafts on our summer reading page.
  • Order using our online form or by calling 607-533-4939 by the Thursday of the previous week to pick up the next week’s craft.
  • Feel free to sign up all at once, or fill out the form/call each week.

All kits will be packed at least 3 days prior to pick up and available via curbside pickup.

You do not need to sign up for the summer reading program to order crafts, but we would love it if you did!

Take & Make Crafts