Design a logo about summer reading for the Library!

What does summer reading mean to you? Is it relaxing in a hammock with a good book? Getting caught up in an adventure? Challenging yourself to read something new or different?

As our summer reading program comes to a close, we are looking for creative kids to help us keep that summer spirit alive as we move into cooler seasons. We invite children in the Lansing community to design an illustration expressing how reading in the summer makes their life better.

One illustration will be chosen to be featured in Lansing Library promotions over the next year!

Deadline for submissions is August 30.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Anyone ages 0-18 is eligible.
  • Use any 8.5 x 11 piece of white paper
  • Draw in dark pencil or ink. No color please.
  • Email image of illustration to (jpg, pdf, or png format) by August 14. Please include name, age, and grade of artist, as well as an email address or phone number on entries.

All entries will be included our end of summer virtual gallery. One will be chosen to feature in Library promotions for the next year.

LCL Logo Design Contest